Windows Update for Business Updated

When talking about Windows Update it’s often a pain point, for administrator to configure and for users to experience.Over the years multiples OSes came out and a layer of settings has been added, replaced and even interacted with each other.Adding to that, Windows changed from Group Policy management to Configuration Service Provider (API) management which

Use Samsung Knox Mobile Enrollment to Empower the Enrollment of Samsung Devices to WS1 UEM

While Workspace ONE UEM supports a lot of different options to enroll a Device, if it is a Samsung Device then Samsung Knox Mobile Enrollment (KME) is definitely a good option. While Samsung supports ZeroTouch also, still a lot of “Samsung” only Android Customers are Leveraging KME as it is easy and quick to setup.

Empower Frontline Workers with Honeywell Devices and Workspace ONE UEM

In this blog post I want to show the basics of the Honeywell Enterprise Provisioner and how the Enrolment of a device with Workspace ONE UEM looks like. I used some basic Settings while the Honeywell Enterprise Provisioner supports also a lot of other settings that may be relevant for you. The integrated QR-Code Wizard

How to setup Workspace ONE Launcher to allow Users to access Update Page in Settings

While using Workspace ONE Launcher you sometimes want to restrict access to the Settings , but still keep the Devices up to date with the latest Android Updates. In this Blog I will show the settings required to have the Updates Settings accessible by the user and not opening up the whole Settings. I used
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