KB – AAD join fails with error 8018000a

Today I received a question what happens if the device is already Workspace ONE joined and then the device gets joined to Azure AD. In this use case the customer had AAD Premium licenses and Intune was assigned as MDM provider to all users. So I started to install a workgroup client and installed the

KB – Device status: discovered

We all know the different device status like “Enrolled”, “Unenrolled”, “Enrollment in Progress”….But ever heard of “Discovered”? After some investigations and help from Sergiu Constantin, we were able to reproduce the status and found the root cause. Basically the discovered status means, that the device was connected to UEM but now the device is blocked.

Omnissa Android Launcher: Guest Session Mode

With one of the latest release Omnissa release a “Guest Mode” in Launcher which works to login in a Guest session even without Internet. This is a real good solution for devices which have a CheckIn-CheckOut Use-Case and have applications that should be accessed without login. Note: When writing this post some of the features

iOS/iPadOS updates changing from iOS 15

More info could be found in below link of VMware documentation. Getting Ready for Apple Fall 2021 Releases In iOS 14.5 or later and iPadOS 14.5 or later, you have the option to either update to iOS 15 or iPadOS 15 (the next latest major version) or continue to update to newer, minor versions of iOS 14 and iPadOS 14, even after iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 are released. This allows
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