Improve Windows Update reporting

In the last year, I create a PowerShell script that improved the overall admin experience of Windows Update for Business. You can find the post here. Now, I worked on improving the report functionality. For this I added several registry keys to track and provide the right installation status. Under the WindowsUpdate key, there are

KB – Windows Proxy configuration

Workspace ONE and Windows management are always complicated when using a proxy. To avoid further misunderstandings I tested all five different scenarios and here are the results: INET WINHTTP BITS INET+WINHTTP INET+BITS WINHTTP+BITS HUB start yes yes Yes yes yes Yes HUB works yes no no yes restart required Manual Enrollment yes No – *Works

KB – Enterprise Wipe doesn’t remove all apps

Issue When executing an Enterprise Wipe there are one or more apps left on the device. Root Cause There two reasons why an app was not uninstalled during an Enterprise Wipe: App has an auto update functionality and has changed the version or installer code changed with the automated update instllation An app gets not

Remove Windows 11 built-in apps via CSP

Microsoft change the behavior of the EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP in Windows 11. In Windows 10 you were able to use the same CSP for devices and users. So, for example you could use And for uninstalling the get help app once for the user (1st example) or for all users (2nd example). As you can see,

Horizon – Brokering

You use VMware Horizon and wants to expand to a high availability (HA) architecture or you think about Horizon and wants to start with the planning and design phase. Great! You are on the right way because planning and design is key! In case of an Multi-site architecture you have to understand the differences between
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