KB – Windows devices getting unenrolled

If you are seeing Windows devices getting unenrolled, it could have several root causes. A customer reported, that they’re seeing the following device events in the console The devices requested the “Break MDM” command to unenroll the devices. On the devices, we saw the following entry in the AWProcessedCommands log file: Also in the eventlog

UEM Token – Workspace ONE Access

UEM Token – Workspace ONE Access Authentication Method Issue: When authentication mode is set to Access for Intelligent Hub and require registration token is enabled, the authentication is done by UEM and enrollment is completed. However, Access is unaware of this authentication, so Access won’t issue token to Hub. The user is prompted for username/password

Hybrid Modern Authentication with VMware Boxer – Part 5 – Troubleshooting

Authentication issue User cannot authenticate on Office 365 Users’ needs to be synced to Office 365 using Azure AD connect. Authentication method needs to be either: Users authenticate successfully but cannot access email The oAuth token does not have the right audience. To troubleshoot this, you can access the HttpProxy logs on the exchange server,

Hybrid Modern Authentication with VMware Boxer – Part 4 – Special use cases and FAQ

EWS and/or Autodiscover is not available over internet If EWS and/or Autodiscover is not available over internet, we can use the per-app VPN VMware Tunnel to access those services. As VMware Tunnel check the compliance of the device and the enrolment status, it adds a security check before accessing the services.It is worth noting that
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