Grischa Ernst
Empowering customers in client management since 2012.
Empowering customers in modern management since 2018.
You need to download the msix bundle from the github site. UEM 22.10 is required since you need msix support…
On Deploy apps with Windows Package Manager
Good point - thanks for the hint. I'll check this and update the script!
On Re-Enroll Windows device without app uninstallation
You are right! Thanks for the hint!
On AD Join Drop Ship Offline devices from anywhere
Sensors are only support string today. You would need to create a sensor per application
On Improve Windows Update reporting
Have you tried control my update? It's a fling for a better and valid reporting
On KB – Why Workspace ONE doesn’t list all installed updates
There was a fix in the script - it now checks for 10 minute if the ODJ config was applied.
On AD Join Drop Ship Offline devices from anywhere
Thanks for sharing this!
On KB – Reboot loop after enterprise reset
Hey - please check the Shared device settings. Should be set to fixed or user based grouping.
On How to migrate MEM to Workspace ONE
This issue was fixed a long time ago. So, have you deployed a new PPGK?
On KB – Reboot loop after enterprise reset
There is an option to download GPO's to the device. But without this option, GPO's need an active DC connection
On Baselines vs Policies vs GPO’s