Full list of Omnissa WS1 UEM Launcher Icons for HTML or Lookup Widgets

While I was showing in a blog how to use the widgets and the available Icons from the code I used here: https://digitalworkspace.one/2023/06/19/using-htlm-widgets-in-workspace-one-launcher/ there seems to not be any real documentation on available icons and also how they look like. So I thought let me create a blog as a reference of proven and working

Omnissa Android Launcher: Guest Session Mode

With one of the latest release Omnissa release a “Guest Mode” in Launcher which works to login in a Guest session even without Internet. This is a real good solution for devices which have a CheckIn-CheckOut Use-Case and have applications that should be accessed without login. Note: When writing this post some of the features

Mobile Flows overview

Mobile Flows utilizes a containerized microservices platform. All microservices are housed within an Amazon AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Each service is individually validated and tested as part of a continuous-integration and continuous-delivery secure development lifecycle process.
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