KB – Windows Proxy configuration

Workspace ONE and Windows management are always complicated when using a proxy. To avoid further misunderstandings I tested all five different scenarios and here are the results: INET WINHTTP BITS INET+WINHTTP INET+BITS WINHTTP+BITS HUB start yes yes Yes yes yes Yes HUB works yes no no yes restart required Manual Enrollment yes No – *Works

KB – Enterprise Wipe doesn’t remove all apps

Issue When executing an Enterprise Wipe there are one or more apps left on the device. Root Cause There two reasons why an app was not uninstalled during an Enterprise Wipe: App has an auto update functionality and has changed the version or installer code changed with the automated update instllation An app gets not

KB – Device status: discovered

We all know the different device status like “Enrolled”, “Unenrolled”, “Enrollment in Progress”….But ever heard of “Discovered”? After some investigations and help from Sergiu Constantin, we were able to reproduce the status and found the root cause. Basically the discovered status means, that the device was connected to UEM but now the device is blocked.

KB – Enterprise Reset prerequisites

The Enterprise Reset option is not always shown in the Workspace One console. The device must meet certain requirements. If one of the requirements is not met, the Enterprise Reset option will not shown in the console – even if you are able to trigger Enterprise Reset via API. There is a new update of

KB – Windows Firewall Profile

Latest tested version: 20.10 Working with the Windows Firewall Profile could be tricky. There is a undocumented behavior you need to know. In Windows you are able to create multiple firewall rules with the same name. Unfortunately, Workspace One UEM handels the Windows Firewall profile a little bit different. When you create a firewall rule
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